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    Not a single displacement or loss of livelihood due to Kalpitiya tourism development project

    September 25, 2014

    Not a single fishing family had lost their ownership of lands or had been displaced due to vesting the parcels of state lands in 14 islands in Kalpitiya archipelago with the Tourism Development Authority (TDA) for the development of tourism, Deputy Economic Development Minister MLAM Hisbulla said in Parliament today.

    Responding to a question raised by UNP Puttalm District MP Niroshan Perera, the deputy minister said that the main objective of vesting the ownership of 14 islands was the formulation of a proposal in collaboration with the people in the area in keeping with the basic plan for Kalpitiya Tourism Development Project. It is accordingly ensured that any fishing family is not displaced. New houses, access roads and community hall facilities would be constructed in identified areas in keeping with the basic plan and it would be ensured and no hindrance would be caused to the fishing industry which was the livelihood of the people domiciled in those islands.

    Deputy Minister Hisbullah said that out of 14 islands only two have been given on lease to private investors. Vellai Islands 1,2 and 3, a land extend of 26.05 hectares, has been given on a 30 year lease period to Sun Resort Investment Lanka (Pvt) Co. at Rs 88,333.33 monthly lease while Ippanthivu Island, which had land extend of 44.41 hectares, had been leased out on 30 year period to Cube Lanka Leisure Properties (Pvt) Co. at Rs 355,104.70 monthly.

    Asked to state to the House the basis on which those 14 islands located close to Kalpitiya Peninsula of the Puttalam District had been given to the private sector companies or institutes, the Deputy Minister said that they were allocated on annual basis for 30 years in keeping with government’s policy on leasing lands for investment and agreements have been entered into on the basis of valuation of the Valuation Department. (Special Reporter/HC)

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