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Weather Forecast

Showers or thundershowers may occur at a few places in Galle, Matara, Kaluthara and Rathnapura districts in the evening or night.

Weather Forecast

Weather Forecast

Showers or thundershowers will occur at times in Northern, North-central, Eastern, Southern and Uva provinces and in Matale and Nuwara-Eliya districts.

Weather Forecast

Flood warning for malwathu oya basin extended

Irrigation Department announced that the flood warning for Malwathu Oya basin is extended for the next 24 hours.It is requested to pay high attention in this regard by the residents in those area and vehicle drivers running through those areas.

Flood warning for malwathu oya basin extended

Indian High Commissioner Meets Sri Lankan Prime Minister

His Excellency Santosh Jha, High Commissioner of India to Sri Lanka, held a meeting with the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka, Dr. Harini Amarasuriya, at the Prime Minister’s Office today. This meeting underscored the longstanding friendship and strategic partnership between the two neighboring nations.

Indian High Commissioner Meets Sri Lankan Prime Minister

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