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Providing the Allowance for School Children to Purchase Stationery

The “Household Survey on the Impact of the Economic Crisis – 2023,” conducted by the Department of Census and Statistics, states that the adverse effects of the economic crisis have significantly impacted children's education. The survey reveals that 55 percent of school children have been adversely affected, with this percentage being higher in rural and estate areas. Furthermore, it was found that 53.2 percent of the affected children have either reduced or completely stopped purchasing school stationery, while 26.1 percent have resorted to re-using previously used stationery.

To mitigate the adverse effects on the education of vulnerable school children, the government was decided to provide an allowance to assist with the purchase of school stationery at the beginning of the 2025 school year. Provision has already been made to provide an allowance of Rs. 6,000.00 per child for school children from Aswesuma families, and the General Treasury has taken steps to pay it through Aswesuma bank accounts by 2024.12.27.

Furthermore, it is expected that the necessary allocation will be provided to the Ministry of Education, Higher Education and Vocational Education in the year 2025 to provide this allowance under an appropriate mechanism to obtain stationery worth of Rs. 6,000.00 per child for other suitable school children.

The government's expectation of this programme is to provide relief for the cost of school education to the parents and thereby secure the future of school children by ensuring their continuous education.


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