Issuing a statement on the recent events in Ampara where Sinhalese mob attacked Muslim establishments including a mosque, ONUR chairperson said the country has gone through much suffering due to provocative actions by some individuals to further their own political interests and urged the Government to take immediate action against the instigators of the violence.
"We believe that it is the responsibility of the Government to ensure that immediate action is instituted against all those who are responsible for the incidents."
"Our country has gone through much suffering due to provocative actions by some individuals to further their own political interests. We are fully aware of the immense harm caused to our country and its citizens by such acts."
"We must learn lessons from the past and do all that is required to prevent a recurrence of those tragic times. We have begun to move forward along a new path of national unity and reconciliation, recognizing and celebrating the pluralism of our multi-ethic multi-cultural nation."
"Let us not allow a small group of extremists to turn us back from our desired goal!", Kumaratunga said.