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    September 08, 2018

    The Constitutional Council (CC) instructed IGP Pujith Jayasundera and National Police Commission Chairman P.H. Manatunga to settle differences between the two parties within two weeks. Speaker Karu Jayasuriya, who is also the Constitutional Council Chairman, summoned the two parties to Parliament yesterday for a special meeting to iron out the disagreements between them.

    According to the Parliamentary sources, the IGP has been informed during the meeting to report to the CC within two weeks the progress of implementing the NPC recommendations.“Speaker Jayasuriya explained that the purpose of the independent commissions created by the 19th Amendment to the Constitution was to bring about a culture where the public institutions could render a service to people without being politicized,” the Speaker’s Media Division said in a press statement following the CC meeting.

    NPC Chairman P. H. Manatunga complained that the Commission is powerless to take any further action when the IGP is refusing to implement the Commission’s recommendations. The NPC members pointed out that the purpose of NPC is not achieved owing to the IGP’s standpoint.

    The ten member CC is the apex body that makes decisions pertaining to the appointments to the Independent Commissions and looks into the affairs of those commissions.The IGP is also appointed upon the recommendations of the CC.

    Among the NPC recommendations that the IGP was dragging its feet to implement were issues pertaining to the promotion of SSP Palitha Siriwardena to DIG rank, promotions of 129 officers who claimed to be politically victimised, removal the Narammala OIC from his post, investigations into educational qualifications of DIG Nalaka de Silva and the suspension of the OIC of the Statistics Division.

    However, the IGP in return had presented the reasons for him not to implement those recommendations. He had described the grounds as to why he did not promote certain officers.The CC also discussed the new appointments to the CC and other independent commissions which are to end their terms shortly, the press statement said.

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