Minister of Finance and Mass Media Mangala Samaraweera, State Minister Eran Wickramaratne, Chairman of COPA, Deputy Minister Lasantha Alagiyawanna, Chairman of COPA, MP Sunil Handunneththi, Secretary General of Sri Lanka Parliament Dhammika Dasanayake, Secretary to the Ministry of Finance Dr. R.H.S. Samaratunge, Attorney General, and Auditor General also participated at this meeting.
The Speaker stated that for the first time in the history, both COPA and COPE have been empowered and they are functioning efficiently marking a huge victory of the 8th Parliament.
Both COPE and COPA have presented five and three reports to the Parliament respectively.
The speaker also appreciated the activities of these committees, which exposed a number of cases where money was misused and wasted.
Minister Samaraweera said that implementing those reports is a very serious act and they should study and follow the methods used by the developed countries in the world.
Another discussion in this regard is expected to be held in November.