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    Select Committee Report on 17 Ministries to be taken up for debate today

    December 17, 2015

    The report of the Select Committee would be taken up today and tomorrow at the committee stage debate of the Budget 2016.

    Skills Development and Vocational Training Minister Mahinda Samarasinghe yesterday presented to the Parliament the report of the select committee appointed to look into the expenditure heads of 17 ministries.


    The 17 ministries referred to the select committee include Tourism Development and Christian Religious Affairs, Buddhasasana, Postal Services and Muslim Religious Affairs, National Integration and Reconciliation, Sustainable Development and Wildlife, Disaster Management, Skills Development and Vocational Training, Science, Technology and Research, National Dialogue, Plantation Industries, Rural Economy, Primary Industries, Home Affairs, Internal Affairs, Wayamba Development and Cultural Affairs, Hill Country New Villages, Infrastructure and Community Development, Telecommunication and Digital Infrastructure and Special Assignments.

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