The message: "The child must receive protection first from the parents, then from teachers and thirdly from elders and the society. Unconditional responsibility for the protection of children lies with the entire nation. However, recently reported incidents show that responsibility has been shirked by the society. This must be rectified immediately and provisions must be made to implement laws and introduce new laws or amend existing laws.
"Parents, elders and the society must commit themselves to save children form this catastrophe. The government has taken steps in that direction and the society too must join this cause to safeguard children from disaster.
"Parents must realise that their constant attention is an assurance of child's safety. Lapse in attention means that the child is unsafe. It is an open invitation for possible harm.
"By celebrating International Children's Day merely for a day is not sufficient. If every day is committed to the safety of children, they will be secure in the life they aspire."