Ambassador Prof. M.D. Lamawansa and Rector of KSMU Prof. V.A. Lazarenko participated in the traditional cutting of the ribbon to declare the green field, the new sport complex facility of the KSM University open. Ambassador and the Rector were invited to take a first throw-in of the ball for a friendly soccer game to be played on the newly opened facility on 31 August.
In the interview given to the local TV Channels Ambassador Lamawansa underlined that “Sport is taken very seriously in Sri Lanka. Physical Education is included in school curricular. The Ambassador added that The Ministry of Education has a separate section to promote sport and also there is a separate Ministry in the country for Youth Affairs and Sports. At the level of higher education provision of sports facilities are given high priority in University accreditation.
On September 1, 2020 the Ambassador and the Embassy delegation toured the Kursk State Medical University. The visit started with the opening ceremony of the Anatomical Theater of KSMU. In his speech Ambassador underscored that facilities provided in the theatre are impressive. Ambassador presented his compliments to the Rector of the University Prof. Lazarenko for his respect to the history of the development of the discipline of anatomy and persons behind them. The delegation visited the university simulation center also where students, postgraduates and continuous training participants get their training and achieve accreditation.