October 06, 2024
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    Conferring the “Aggamahapanditha” religious title to the Most Venerable Prof. Kotapitiye Rahula Annunayake Thero by the Government of Myanmar

    March 13, 2020

    The “Aggamahapanditha” religious title was conferred to the Most Ven. Prof. Kotapitiye Rahula Anunayake Thero of Sri Lanka by the Government of Myanmar on 09 March 2020. The ceremony was held at the State Pariyatti Sasana University in Yangon and the religious tile was presented to the Most Ven. Prof. Anunayake Thero by the Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Culture of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, U Tun Ko.


    The Venerable Theros from foreign countries including Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Thailand, Korea, India, Vietnam and the United States of America attended this religious ceremony to receive the honorary title from the Government of Myanmar. The event was attended by Charge d’ Affaires K.H.C. Sankapali and Embassy officials.


    A 13 membered Buddhist delegation headed by Most Ven. Prof. Anunayake Thero visited many historic and culturally enriched places and cites in Myanmar including Yangon, Mandalay, Nay Pyi Taw, Bago and Bagan from 29 February to 11 March 2020 and paid homage to the Sacred Shwe Dagon Pagoda. During the visit The Most Ven. Thero conducted lectures on history of Buddhism in Sri Lanka at Theravada Buddhist University in Yangon, Sitagu Ketumati Buddhist Academy in Bago and Sitagu Buddhist Academy in Mandalay.







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