According to the IIP values released, the volume of industrial production has increased by 3.6% in the month of December, 2016 compared to the monthly average production of 2015. Manufacturing industries;Furniture(21.6%),Machinery and equipment(19.4%), Basic pharmaceutical product (14.5%) and other non-metallic mineral product (14.5%) showed remarkable increase in productions duringmonth of December, 2016 compared to the average monthly production in 2015. The volume of food products has increased by 1.6 %. The industries;Tobacco product (11.3%), Wood products (6.3%), Electrical equipment (6.3%) and Coke and refined petroleum products(4.9%), reported decrease in the volume of production in December compared to the average monthly production of their industries in 2015.
The industrial production of the manufacturing sector for the fourth quarter of 2016 has increased by 4.3% compared to average production in 2015.