ADB’s Board of Directors approved a $100 million loan in 2016 for the SME Line of Credit Project, followed by additional loan financing of $75 million in January 2018 to further encourage local partner banks to grow their SME portfolios—particularly to enterprises that are outside Colombo or women-led. Apart from providing wider access to finance to SMEs, the project also develops innovative SME financing schemes, while building SME capacity, particularly in information and communications technology, business process outsourcing, fruits and vegetables, as well as processed food and beverages.
The We-Fi funded program in Sri Lanka complements ADB’s 2016 project, which targets women and under-served populations. It expects to mobilize $25.3 million of financing to reduce barriers faced by women entrepreneurs, including private sector investments of up to $2.1 million.The program will strengthen institutional capacity within financial institutions to be more women-friendly, remove policy and regulatory barriers, build female entrepreneurs’ skills sets, encourage female entrepreneurship through communications and awareness campaigns, and strengthen the evidence base to inform future policy making. The grant directly supports more than 400 women-led SME borrowers and will train at least 250 women. We-Fi is governed by 14 founding contributing countries and is managed by the World Bank. It aims to mobilize more than $1 billion in commercial and international financial institution nance to afford women entrepreneurs access to debt, equity, venture capital, insurance products, and other opportunities to link with domestic and global markets.
The aim is to improve the business environment for women-owned or led SMEs. The ADB program is aligned with three objectives of We-Fi: reducing financial constraints faced by women-owned or led SMEs, mitigating other nonfinancial constraints, and increasing the capacity of women-owned or led SMEs to access markets.