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    Decisions taken by the Cabinet of Ministers at its meeting held on 03.07.2018

    July 04, 2018

    1.      Project to test the water quality in water resources (Document No. 05)

     The Government has recognized the necessity of identifying the factors that pollute water resources, in order to provide appropriate solutions. Accordingly the cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by  H.E. the President Maithripala Sirisena, in his capacity as the Minister of Mahaweli Development and Environment to implement a two years Project  (2019 -2020 ) spending Rs. 44.9 million by Central Environmental Authority to test the water quality of Inland water resource.


     2.                  Execution of CLEAN AIR 2025 Action Plan (Document No.06)

    Clean Air 2025 Action Plan has been prepared by the government to maintain the air quality of Sri Lanka during the upcoming years. Accordingly the proposal presented by H.E. the President Maithripala Sirisena, in his capacity as the Minister of Mahaweli Development and Environment to appoint a monitoring committee and a technical committee for the supervisory and regulatory activities of this project was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers.

    1. Women’s welfare Survey 2018/19 (Document No.08)

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, in his capacity as the Minister of National Policies and Economic Affairs to conduct a National level Survey on women’s welfare through the Department of Census & statistics using Rs.26.9 million grant amount to be granted by the United Nations Fund and to publish its report.

    4.                  Provisions for the Construction of the portion of the Central Expressway from Pothuhera to Galagedara (Document No.09)

     The Government has planned to construct  32.5 km distance of Central Highway (Phase 3) from Potuhera to Galagedara under the financial support of Japanese Banks. Accordingly the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, in his capacity as the Minister of National Policies and Economic Affairs to enter in to an agreement with MUFG,Ltd Bank in Japan for the provision of Japan Yen 100 billon for this purpose.

    1. Technical Assistance for Urban Development Projects (Document No.10)

    The cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, in his capacity as the Minister of National Policies and Economic Affairs to obtain USD 10 million as a Technical Assistance Loan from Asian Development Bank to execute the urban development Projects implemented by Ministry of Provincial Councils, Local Government and Sports and Ministry of Megapolis and Western Development. (25 Secondary cities and 4 Strategic Cities)

    1. Provisions for executing Science and Technology Human Resource Development Project (Document No.11)

    Under the Science and Technology Human Resource Development Project, 3 Technical Faculties will be established in Kelaniya, Rajarata and Sabaragamuwa Universities and an Engineering Faculty will be establsihed in Sri Jayawardhanapura University. Accordingly the proposal presented by Hon. Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, in his capacity as the Minister of National Policies and Economic Affairs to obtain a foreign fund of Rs. 145 from Asian Development Bank for the execution of this project.

    1. Provisions for executing Sustainable Fisheries Development Project in Northern Province  (Document No.12)

    The Government expects to invest USD 201.2 for this project with the assistance of foreign funds. Accordingly the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, in his capacity as the Minister of National Policies and Economic Affairs to obtain an assisting foreign fund of USD 174 million from Asian Development Bank for the execution of this project.

    8.Provisions for the execution of Port Access Highway Project  (Document No.13)

    The total investment expected for this project is USD 360.2 million. The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, in his capacity as the Minister of National Policies and Economic Affairs to obtain a foreign fund assistance of USD 300 million from Asian Development Bank with this purpose.

    • Project for the promotion of right of access to Information among Different Communities. (Document No.19)

    The Right of Information Act No 12 of 2016, facilitates the general public to access in to information of State owned public authorities. The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Mangala Samaraweera, Minister of Finance and Mass Media, to conduct a project using the funds provided by the Government of Switzerland, to promote right of information among the people in remote areas, make them aware on practicing the right of information and to train the officers on this regard.

    1. Development of a functional framework and Providing infrastructure facilities to assist State-Private Cooperation.  (Document No.20)

    The cabinet of Ministers approved the Proposal presented by Hon. Mangala Samaraweera , Minister of Finance and Mass Media, to implement a program under funds provided by the world bank to assist the State-Private Cooperation Program implemented by National Agency for Public Private Partnerships. 

    1. Holding the exhibition on sustainable solutions for water security and Water and Development summit 2019 of International Water Association, in Colombo (Document No.24)

    Considering the benefits can be gained by the above summit the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Rauf Hakeem, Minister of City Planning and Waters supply to host the above summit and exhibition to be held in Colombo in September 2019.

    1. Providing lands from Divisional Industrial Zones to  Establish Industries  (Document No.29)

    Considering the Direct Employment Opportunities and the investments exceeding Rs. 5 billion, the cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Rishad Bathiudeen, Minister of Industry and Commerce to allocate portions of lands in Puttalm, Nurani, Bataatha, Nalanda, Nalanda Ellawala, Laksha Uyana, Raigampura and Millawa Industrial Zones to investors selected by the Divisional Industrial Service Committee and Ministry Project evaluation committee upon the 35 year lease basis.                                    

    1. Facilities for Private Sector Agriculture (Document No.38)

     The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Mahinda Amaraweera, Minister of Agriculture to establish a Inter Ministry Coordinating Committee to facilitate the Private sector Agriculture to produce high Standard Agricultural  Products and for the success in the Global Business Environment.

    1. Development of Infrastructure Facilities in Remote Area villages where Samurdhi Beneficiaries live. (Document No.43)

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. P. Harrison, Minister of Social Empowerment to implement a special program to enhance the infrastructure facilities in districts such as Anuradhapura, Polonnaruwa, Monaragala and Hambanthota as well as northern, Eastern and upcountry areas where Poverty is high.


    1. Reorganizing of Department of Government Factory (Document No.44)

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Sajith Premadasa, Minister of Housing and Constructions to appoint a committee to provide recommendations on restructuring Department of Government Factory and to grant authorization, mechanical, engineering and processing works of state institutions   get done by the Department of Government Factory on contract basis until the completion of restructuring.

    1. Model village level Cultivation of Indigenous Herbals and marketing to Aurvada Drugs Corporation.  (Document No.45)

    The cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by   Hon. Sajith Premadasa, Minister of Housing and Constructions to establish a Monitoring Committee to launch the program of cultivating indigenous herbals in modern villages.

     17.              Certifying the proper functioning of Rent House Market (Document No.47)

    The proposal presented by Hon. Sajith Premadasa, Minister of Housing and Constructions to draft bills for confirming proper functioning of Rent House Market, was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers considering the recommendations presented by the committee of experts.

     18. Expediting the Digitalization in Sri Lanka (Document No.54)

    The cabinet of Ministers approved the combined proposal of Hon. Ranjith Siyambalapitiya, Minister of Power and Renewable Energy and Hon. Hareen Fernando, Minister of Telecommunication, Digital infrastructure and Foreign Employment to appoint a committee of experts to study the capability of expanding high standard Broadband Connection and electricity by sharing the infrastructure facilities by licensed Broadband Service suppliers and licensed electricity distributors.


    1. National Primary Industries Policy in Sri Lanka (Document No.55)

    Hon. Daya Gamage, Minister of Social Welfare and Primary Industries presented the “National Primary Industry Policy” to the Parliament.

    1. Memorandum of Understanding between Thailand and Sri Lanka on Strategic Economic Cooperation (Document No.56)

    The cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Malik Samarawickrame, Minister of Development Strategies and International Trade to enter in to a memorandum of understanding between Thailand and Sri Lanka, covering the fields such as Investment, Agricultural Development, Promotion of Fishery Industry and Tourism, and expansion of Information Technology.

    1. Developing Demuwawatha Gem Street in Rathnapura as an International Gem Street and construction of Gem Tower (Document No.60)

    The cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by H.E. the President Maithripala Sirisena, in his capacity as the Minister of Mahaweli Development and Environment to construct four story building (Gem Tower) in Laimewatta Land (22 perches) located in Demuwawatha street and to establish facilities such as Business spaces, Gem Laboratory, Bank Facilities, Exporting Facilities and Custom Facilities, therein.



    1. Providing Permanent Houses to Families affected by conflicts in Northern and Eastern Area. (Document No.63)

    Hon. Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, in his capacity as the Minister of National Policies and Economic Affairs, presented a proposal to enter into an agreement with UNOPS and UN Habitat institutions to construct 25,000 houses (costing a housing unit Rs. 1.25 million without tax ) in Eastern and Northern Provinces. Under the 1st Phase of this project , it will be commenced the constructions of 18,000 housing units in 2018 and will be completed within 08 months, and the other 10,000 housing units will be completed in 2019. The cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal considering the recommendation of Cabinet appointed Negotiation Committee.

    1. Construction of 1,500 m3 Water tower in Minuwangoda Area (Document No.64)

    The cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Rauff Hakeem, Minister of City Planning and Water Supply, to award the contract of constructing of 1500 m3 Water Tower and Main Distributing Pipe, to M/s Finite Lanka (Pvt)Ltd in accordance with the recommendation of cabinet appointed Procurement Committee.


    1. Implementation of Container Feeding Service linking Colombo Port and Chittagong Port in Bangladesh (Document No.66)

    Due to the agreement between Sri Lanka and Bangladesh, Sri Lanka Shipping Corporation has the priority of container feeding service between two countries. Accordingly the cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal of Hon. Mahinda Samarasinghe , Minister of Ports and sipping to select a appropriate partner under combined partnership basis in order to acquire the benefits of above agreement by employing a ship registered under the Sri Lankan Flag.


    1. Contract of Supplying and distributing 2,500 Km aerial bundled conductors (Document No.69)

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Ranjith Siyambalapitiya, Minister of Power and Renewable Energy to award the contract of supplying 2,500 km of Aerial Bundle Conductors to M/S ACL Cable PLC for Rs. 1,456 Million.

    1. Polonnaruwa Sola Power Plant Project (Document No.70)

    The Government has decided to establish a 10 Megawatt Sola Power Plant in a land near the Grid Substation Valachchenai upon construction , ownership and maintenance Basis. Accordingly the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Ranjith Siyambalapitiya, Minister of Power and Renewable Energy to award this contract to M/s Didul (Pvt.)Ltd at a cost or Rs 12.49 per 1 Kilowatt Hour.

    1. Developing the infrastructure facilities of Higher Educational Institutions. (Document No.72)

    The Proposal Presented by Hon. Dr. Wijayadasa Rajapaksha, Minister of Higher Education and Cultural Affairs to implement projects worth Rs.2,384.7 million to develop infrastructure facilities in University of Ruhuna, Bhikkhu University, South Eastern University, University of Sri Jayawardenapura and Sri Lanka Advance Technological Institute was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers.


    1. Enhancing Public Health in Batticaloa District (Document No.73)

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Wijith Wijayamuni Soysa, Minister of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Government of India, to implement a Rs.300 million project to construct 3,400 sanitary units covering 14 Divisional Secretariats in Batticaloa District.


    1. Gamperaliya – Rapid Rural Development Project 2018 -2019 (Document No.)

    The Government has planned to implement a rapid Rural Development Project “Gamperaliya” covering all the District in the country. The total Investment of this project is Rs.65,811 million. Each Divisional Secretariat will be provided Rs.200 million for the year2018 and the project will be commenced in 3rd quarter of 2018. Accordingly the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Mangala Samaraweera , Minister of Finance and Media to expedite the commencement of this project.

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